exeter limos


Looking to celebrate in style?
Let us make this birthday to remember!


Exeter Limo’s specialise in luxury limousine hire for birthdays and other important celebrations and special occasions. 18, 21 and 40th birthdays are important milestones in our lives. Make your day extra special and memorable by using one of our vehicles, celebrating in style and comfort to and from the location of your choice. Nothing says ‘look at me’ more than a red carpet arrival at a special occasion, especially when you step out of a stretch Exeter Limo dressed up to the nines!

With all-inclusive packages including drinks, sweets, balloons, and gifts available, all you have to do is give us a call and relax, we’ll take care of everything.


Looking to celebrate in style?
Let us make this birthday to remember!


Exeter Limo’s specialise in luxury limousine hire for birthdays and other important celebrations and special occasions. 18, 21 and 40th birthdays are important milestones in our lives.

Make your day extra special and memorable by using one of our vehicles, celebrating in style and comfort to and from the location of your choice.

Nothing says ‘look at me’ more than a red carpet arrival at a special occasion, especially when you step out of a stretch Exeter Limo dressed up to the nines!